Friday, 19 May 2017

Brilliant But Easy Ways To Build Your E-Mail Marketing List

 The common buzzwords of online marketing that you probably most hear of are- social media, SEO, content marketing and video content marketing. But did you miss out on one of the most powerful tools that top the performance marketing channel across industries? According to a recent analysis E- mail marketing is one of the most heavily used communication platform that supersedes many like Facebook or Twitter when it comes to driving sales.It allows you to connect directly with your customers and a proven way of keeping them informed. A high impact yet a low cost way of delivering your communication to a targeted audience is what E-mail marketing does, and before you had your doubts if it works, this has a number of advantages over other platforms to keep it not just alive but kicking!

Build a great E-mail list!

Without a robust E-mail list all your efforts in leveraging the power of E-mail marketing is a lost marketing effort. If you are serious about growing your business, the first step begins with creating a healthy E-mail marketing list that is on track with your target customers and a high quality data free of errors or incomplete information.

To begin with a scratch may seem like a daunting task, so here are a few ideas that can help you get started and get you the best quality leads-
  • Encourage your clients to sign up for your website using the following strategies:  
             o    Subscribe to newsletters on your website
             o    Offer content up gradation on newsletter subscription
             o    Integrate an E-mail list signup form on every blog post on your website
             o    Use an exit group encouraging your visitors to sign up for newsletters
  • Run Online Contests – Sponsor a contest with small prizes like gift vouchers to encourage clients to join your email list.
  • Engage through Social Media- Participation in social media is a sure way of reaching out to new audience. Promote your newsletter content through Facebook, Google Plus and Twitter providing them with a link to subscribe.
  • Encourage subscribers to forward -It is noteworthy, that recipients of forwarded E-mail communication are more likely to subscribe themselves because they got a recommendation from someone they trust. So make sure to include a forward-to-a-friend link in your E-mail.
  • Use E-mail signature- Encourage all your employees to use email signatures in their correspondence that contain an email signup link. It is one of the best ways to turn your E-mail signature into an instant lead machine!

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